Did you feel it? The other day I felt the first Fall
wind. I have to say I’ve so enjoyed this summer,
walking out the door without worrying about a
coat. I’m basically a caveman when it comes to
staying indoors, blinds drawn, but even I sat out-
side a few times. My understanding is that sun-
shine is pretty healthy, it drives away depression
and helps the body produce Vitamin D. It turns
out that when we live in the world the way God
created us to instead of being inside looking at
screens all day, we actually become healthier and
happier. Who knew? It’s a lesson I’m still learning.
In many ways, we’ve become a disembodied cul-
ture. Virtually any kind of communication can be
done through technological means. The majority of
our entertainment comes the same way. For many,
work also becomes an endless cycle of looking at
different screens. We end up using our eyes and
our fingers, but little else. And it does start to take
a toll. Recently, the US Surgeon General put out a
warning to youth regarding social media, which
can put people at risk for depression. It’s time we
start treating these things like a controlled sub-
The truth is, the internet came upon us and revolu-
tionized our society so quickly that we barely had
time to think about it and what implications it
could have, how it would affect us socially, physi-
cally, emotionally, and spiritually. We are just now
beginning to catch up to it. Look in your phone’s
settings and you’ll find phone usage tracking apps
now. People are starting to look at technology with
a critical eye. It’s meant to be a tool to help us, not
something to alter or take away our humanity.
Our faith tells us that God created us not just as
spirits or minds, able to accomplish every task
through technological avatars. He created us as
bodily beings. The body is good, and it is essential
to our flourishing and happiness. It alone express-
es the human person—without it, we wouldn’t see
or encounter anyone at all! As easy as it seems and
as tempting as it may be, and trust me, I’ve been
there, we can’t live our lives on a screen. Let’s re-
member the words of St. Paul, Do you not know that
your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you,
whom you have from God, and that you are not your
own? For you have been purchased at a price. Therefore,
glorify God in your body (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).