Our Easter Mission is here!!! Father Gary George
will be joining us once again to lead us in our
faith finding journey!!! He is very excited to be a part of
our parish missions, and Father Matthew Zwilling will
be joining us as well for a couple of the dates. Father
Gary is just getting back from the Holy Land and will
no doubt have a lot of amazing things to share!!! I hope
everyone can attend, even if it’s just one night, so please
come and bring a friend!!! Once again those dates are
May 22nd, 23rd, and 24th starting at 6:30pm.

Ascension Sunday is here and the Easter Season is
starting to wind down, but the work is just begin-
ning!!! When Christ Ascended into Heaven the work of
the Apostles was just beginning! It wasn’t the end of the
mission, not even close! We see in the Acts of the Apos-
tles how they started to organize and go throughout the
entire region spreading “The Way!” In doing so they
were fulfilling one of Jesus’ final commands to “Go out,
and Baptize, in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit!” They were to evangelize the
Good News of the Lord! Spreading the news that salva-
tion had come from the crucifixion, death, and resurrec-
tion of Jesus Christ! How Jesus blew open the Gates of
Heaven and defeated death! How to enter into a true
relationship with Jesus Christ, so that He can show us
the way to eternal life!!! How can we make these teach-
ings a daily part of our life? How can we meditate on
these words to properly understand what Christ wants
from our lives?

My brothers and sisters the world is on fire in a
bad way. The civil unrest has been escalating,
not only in our country, but all over the world! Howev-
er we are starting to hear stories of people standing in
there faith! Standing for the Word of Jesus Christ! The
corruption of some humans is trying to keep this Word
from spreading, but they are the ones losing. They have
made a contract with satan, and they are trying to de-
stroy life with this contract. However, we know God
Wins! The victory has already been proclaimed! The
only question that remains for us, do we believe this in
our hearts, or do we allow evil to steal our joy? Make a
stand today!!! Stop being afraid and allowing yourself
to be distracted! Reach out for Jesus’ hand, and hold on

Stand in faith and joy! Stand in His love! This life is
so very short, so live it for Him! You will have an
eternity to celebrate! Have an amazing Easter Mission

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