2022 is about to see its way out, and we will soon be on
to a new year. It amazes me how every year seems to go
faster and faster, but what is even more astonishing is
that I failed to see the months passing me by. Our world
continues its chaotic journey, and we are all left scratch-
ing our heads as to why. I am so disheartened that poli-
tics still controls peoples minds, and I was in true awe to
see people on social media tell friends “how they were so
disappointed in them for their choice of candidate.” Sick-
en. Too many have lost touch of who they are and where
they come from. They allow their political beliefs to keep
them from Christ’s Heart and worse yet, they try and take
others down with them. It’s times like these we need
more than ever to dive deep into the Word’s of God. Pick
up our bibles and read those powerful words to better
protect our hearts from the ravages of society. We can no
longer live like this life is it! Still too many live like this
earthly life is their final destination, and that my brothers
and sisters is a big reason why we continue to fall into
further despair!

Our hope is just around the corner! We are now getting
ready to prepare our hearts for the Advent Season! In this
season we shall begin to set our eyes to the coming of the
Savior, and the rise of God’s Word! The promise of
Christmas is upon us! Evil can and never truly compre-
hends the power of Christ’s life over ours, and must nev-
er stop seeking this Christmas promise. Never stop!
The gospel reading this weekend ends with Jesus say-
ing that those who live in perseverance shall secure
their lives. He’s not just talking about their earthly lives
but the next heavenly life as well! Earth is not our final
destination and we are stuck in this mindset of self, and
that is why so many are lost right now. The brain is a
dangerous place to always live with our own thoughts,
and this is why we need Church, the Bible, the Eucharist,
and the list goes on of all the weapons our Heavenly Fa-
ther has given us to conquer self. What is your favorite
weapon? Could you describe it to a non or lukewarm be-
liever? How does it enhance your relationship with God?
We have so many wonderful things to be thankful for! I
know we are still a couple weeks from Thanksgiving, but
I just want to take this moment and tell my Saint Paul
family how grateful I am for each and everyone of you!
So many of you have become good and trusted friends,
and there are many of you who inspire me to persevere in
my faith! From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiv-
ing!!! May God be ever present in your lives!

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