Fall is here and it’s trying to bring it’s “frosty
friend” Winter with it! I am already over racking
leaves but it beats shoveling snow, and I know the
time for that is soon upon us! Also, the Season of
Advent is approaching, and soon the joys of Christ-
mas will be here. I am excited for what the future
holds for everyone one of us! Are you standing in
joy today? On what is it your life is focused? Take a
deep breath and live! You are all very much alive
and it is our God who has breathed the breath of
life in you! Take it in! No matter what society is tell-
ing you, it is a great day to be alive! Find what you
are living for and if it does not bring you God’s
peace, love, and happiness, then you need to keep
looking! I am writing that sentence for myself be-
cause I know my heart needs to constantly find
Him. I know I allow the struggles to distract myself
way too often, but I know my hope lives in Him!
I love how Saint Paul ends our second reading
this weekend: “To Him be glory forever and ev-
er. Amen!” Paul’s days were numbered; the Ro-
mans had had enough of his preaching about the
Christ. They were planning his execution and Paul
would now become a martyr of the faith. Yet in his
persecution, Paul remained true to the faith. He
continued to encourage those around him and nev-
er gave up on the Word of Jesus. This is a powerful
lesson for everyone. Many give up on their faith too
quickly when times get tough and the trails pile up
too fast. It is in those moments that we must stop
what we are doing, be still, and listen. What is God
asking of us today? Are we willing to listen?
We are excited to announce that on December
6, 2022, we will be having an Advent Night of
Reflection. I will be giving a reflection and the
Christian musical group, All for Him, will be joining
us to play Christmas songs for everyone. Following
the theme set by last year’s Mission speaker, Fa-
ther Gary, we are going to have a night that truly
focuses on the coming of our Savior!!! I hope every-
one can join us at 7:00 pm!
I leave you with the following prayer for media-
Let nothing disturb you,
let nothing frighten you,
all things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things;
whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
~Saint Teresa of Avila
Have an amazing week!!!