Dear Parish Family,
This weekend we celebrate the Fourth of July Holiday,
our Independence. I found this article online and
thought it is so appropriate as we celebrate our freedom
and all that God has blessed us with but most especially
our independence, which is really our dependence on
God!! Have a blessed and wonderful Fourth of July and
let us always remember that everything we have is a gift
from God!!
My love and prayers always, ~~Fr. Steve.
What comes to your mind when you think of Inde-
pendence Day?
For many Americans, the Fourth of July serves as a
day to watch fireworks, barbeque and have a good
time with friends and family. While there is nothing
wrong with having these traditions, it is important to
remember the reason behind why we celebrate this
Samuel Adams, the father of the American Revolu-
tion, was bold in proclaiming his faith. To him, signing
the Declaration of Independence meant no longer sub-
mitting to Great Britain, but rather, submitting to the
Lord (Crowe, 2008). As a result, America would be
free from the power of man and able to serve Christ.
What a significant day in history!
It is important to remember what our duties are as
Christians. We are called to serve Christ and Christ
alone, and it is such a blessing that we can live in a
country where we have the freedom to do so.
Oftentimes, the enemy will use distractions to keep
us from fulfilling our duties as Christians. Being dis-
tracted by all that happens on the Fourth of July can
cause us to lose sight of the true meaning of the holi-
day. This is dangerous, as it can ultimately cause us
to stray away from Christ.
So, why is it important to acknowledge the signifi-
cance of Independence Day, and how can we do so in
today’s world?
American liberty is a blessing from God. Because of
our freedom, we can express our faith and boldly
share it with others. It is important to recognize that in
many other parts of the world, this is not the case. The
cost of following Christ is much greater for our broth-
ers and sisters across the globe.
With this in mind, I encourage you to not lose sight of
why we celebrate Independence Day. Take time to
reflect on the ways God has blessed you in your life,
and make it a goal to not take the freedom we have for
granted. As you spend this day with family and friends,
I encourage you to celebrate the blessing of freedom
that was given to us by Christ.

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