It is Independence Day, and I absolutely love the 4th of July. As a child I loved the picnics, parades, and of course the fireworks! Now, as somewhat of an adult, I love the meaning of this great American Holiday, and that of course is the celebration of our freedom. What a time that must have been for the Continental Armies to realize they defeated the mighty empire, and that they did it without anyone believing they stood a chance. It’s very interesting to watch when something is being withheld from a group of people. Some choose to live in the grip of the enemy, while others say it’s worth risking it all to be free of another’s grasp. Today, I feel like our faith is very much under attack and it is our time to rise up against the darkness. The big difference is that we are fighting for the Kingdom of God, and God wins. No matter how hard the enemy fights, it will never destroy God’s Kingdom, and we have to choose what side we will stand for. His mercy and justice, or evils hatred and jealousy. We must choose, and the time is now! Don’t be afraid to stand for your faith, because God will send an army of His heavenly angels to be right by your side, have no doubt or fear in our hearts.
This weekend’s Gospel reading speaks about Je-sus’ being “left behind” in His own hometown. His own neighbors, whom He lived amongst, cast Him out once He began to proclaim the Kingdom of God. He was saddened by their lack of faith, but He knew this was their journey. We all have people in our lives whom attack us for various reasons, and we have to understand this is not our doing but their own. People, for whatever reason, feel like they can just say whatever they want to you. Their issues are not about you, but their own jealousy and anger over their own lives. Don’t let them hold you back from God’s Will and Love. Don’t give them any power over you, because you do not belong to them. You are a child of the Almighty Father, and that is all that matters. As we journey into a new week make sure to stand tall, and live in God’s love and word. We have all that we need, because of Him. Give Him all the glory and He will return this glory to you, because He gives us all that He has! Stand for freedom, and that true freedom comes from God! Happy Independence Day!!!