Here we are back in “Ordinary Times,” and still nothing today
feels ordinary. There is still so much chaos in our country and
world, and so many of us long for the ordinary once again.
However, we must keep moving along, because life and time
does not care about the present moment. Life and time seem
to just keep rolling and it has no prejudice over who it affects. It
is so hard to believe that Ash Wednesday is about a month
away, and we will soon be into the Season of Lent! What a 12
month period this has been, and sometimes there looks to be
no end in sight. It is during times like these that we must dig
deep in our faith, and trust that God has a plan to always make
us whole again. There will always be “something” in our lives
that we will worry about. Whether it’s a pandemic, some other
disease, stress, or name any other conflict that you can think
of, we will always have something to make us crazy. There is
another constant in our life, and that constant is Jesus Christ!
How often, when life is at it’s best or worst, do we really think
about Christ being a constant in our lives? The way we act, we
would guess not much. Imagine if we were as passionate
about recognizing Jesus as a constant in our lives as much we
recognize all of our worries of the day? What would life look
like? How much better would we feel? How much better would
our lives become if we made Christ the center of who we truly
are? Some questions to ponder during these trying times….
Our Gospel reading this Sunday starts off these “Ordinary
Times” with the beginning of Jesus’ ministry of when He started to call His future Apostles to Him. These ordinary men were
about to learn and do extraordinary things. They were just going about their day, like any other day, and then just like that
God changed their lives! It can happen just like that for us, but
we have to open ourselves up to what it is that Jesus is calling
us to do. Oh and by the way it won’t be popular when you are
living the life that Christ wants for you, and it will be challenging. People, including maybe even family, will not be happy
with this “change” in you. They will not understand this “new”
purpose you have, and this “new” passion you have for life.
You must persevere in Him though, no matter how hard your
world tells you not to follow His Way; you must persevere in
Him. Christ tells us not to look to this world for answers, because all answers are with Him. Even the answers to the questions we have yet to ask. As we begin to start this New Year,
what can we do to live a joy filled life in Christ, Jesus? How are
we going to open ourselves up to allow the Holy Spirit to come
into our lives? How are we going to go against the “world” for
His sake? Take time for yourself this week and meditate on the
Words of this weekend’s Gospel, and listen for His calling. A
word of caution: it may just change your life! Have a Christ
filled week!
Please also include in your prayers our newly appointed Bishop, Bishop David Bonnar! May the Holy Spirit be with him always as he guides the Diocese of Youngstown into the future!