With praise and gratitude to Almighty God,
The Most Reverend Martin J. Amos
Bishop Emeritus of Davenport, Iowa
will ordain
Chad Johnson
Brian Smith
Transitional Deacons
on Saturday, the Twelfth of September
in the year two thousand twenty
at ten thirty a.m.
The Cathedral of St. Columba
154 West Wood Street
Youngstown, Ohio
Loving God,
Your Son, Jesus, has shown us that an open heart finds the way.
Help me to find my way in this world.
Keep my heart open to following Jesus’ way of serving others in love.
Give me the courage to accept the guidance You offer me through my family, my friends, and my parish community.
Through the Holy Spirit, You call me to a particular way of life.
If it is the way of a priest, sister, brother, or deacon, then help me to walk it in joyful service to Your people.
With You, my God, I know I can find my way.
Please continue to pray for all of our Seminarians, and an increase to vocations to the Priesthood, Religious Life, Deaconate, and Lay Ecclesial Ministries.~~Fr. Steve