Dear Parish Family, the following is for your information in regard to the Diocesan guidelines for the reopening of our Churches and the resumption of the celebration of Mass. Please remember that we are to continue to follow Governor DeWine’s directives with social distancing as we continue to be safe in all that we do. I look forward to seeing you on Pentecost weekend, May 30th and 31st. We will have a soft reopening with weekday Masses on Tuesday, May 26th and Thursday, May 28th at 8:00 am in the main church. At a future time, Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion will resume on Wednesday. I continue to keep you in my prayers as I send my ongoing love and blessings, Fr. Steve

Resumption of Public Liturgies in
the Time of Public Health Concern

Sunday/Weekday Mass

Directives and Guidelines for the
Diocese of Youngstown ~ May 2020

In light of the decision to resume the celebration of public Masses and liturgies by the Bishops of Ohio, the following Directives and Guidelines are issued for all parishes of the Diocese of Youngstown.  These take into consideration how to best proceed under these unusual circumstances while remaining pastorally sensitive to the People of God and adhering to restrictions issued by the State of Ohio.  The guidance provided aims to clarify how such spiritual care can be responsibly offered to the faithful during this period and have been formulated with great care to preserve and respect the powerful liturgical and sacramental symbolism of the rites of the Mass. These directives/guidelines currently remain in effect by order of Bishop Murry and will be revised or changed should any further directives be issued by the Governor of Ohio, the Bishops of Ohio, or Bishop Murry.  They are considered to be temporary until it is determined safe to return to the normal circumstances.


The Catholic faithful who reside in the Diocese of Youngstown and all other Catholics in the diocese and especially those who are sick, or at high risk of becoming sick continue to be dispensed from their Sunday obligation until further notice. 

General Guidelines

  1. Understanding the desire of many to return to church, it remains important for those who are at greater risk to refrain from returning until such time they feel comfortable and confident to do so.
  2. Those who are symptomatic or who have been exposed to another with the virus within 14 days should not attend Mass in accordance with national, state and local health directives.
  3. Parishes are encouraged to continue to live-stream Mass so that those unable to attend may maintain a spiritual connection with their local parish.
  4. Appropriate cleaning of high use areas within the church is to be done before and after each service.
    • The pews/seating area utilized by the assembly and the ambo should be wiped down with disinfectant.
    • Holy water fonts are to remain empty until further notice.
    • All hymnals/missalettes are to be removed and stored for the time being.  At each Mass, disposable worship aids should be distributed, and then discarded.  Appropriate copyright licenses are to be respected.
    • Restrooms, door handles, push plates, knobs and elevators (if applicable) are to be sanitized after each liturgy.  Doors might be propped open to lessen contact.
  5. Every effort to ensure appropriate physical distancing before, during, and after liturgical celebrations is required.  Methods will vary depending on capacity and arrangement of church buildings.
    • Other than immediate family members/household units, worshippers should be seated six feet apart.  Consider using every other pew/row for each Mass and alternating pews/rows per Mass. (i.e. one set of pews for one Mass, the other set of pews for the next Mass etc. to reduce the amount of cleaning between Masses.)
    • Allow for distance within each pew/row between worshippers.
  6. Cry Rooms or enclosed spaces for families with small children should not be available.
  7. Large gatherings before or after Mass are to be discouraged.
  8. While not mandatory, worshippers may wear masks or face coverings.
  9. Post limits on the amount of people able to be in restrooms at the same time.
  10. If possible, sanitizer should be made available at all entrances.
  11. Liturgical vestments including server albs are to be cleaned/laundered regularly.
  12. Presiders, Deacons, and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should wash their hands before Mass, discreetly use hand sanitizer immediately before the distribution of Holy Communion, and wash their hands after Mass being mindful not to touch their face, eyes or nose.
  13. Pastors/Parish Leaders and liturgical ministers should make every effort to continually model and encourage good hygienic practices.

Distribution of Holy Communion on the Tongue

Out of pastoral necessity and urgency, those desiring to receive Holy Communion on the tongue are permitted to do so.  In this instance, they are to be last in line and receive only from the priest.  In the unfortunate circumstance that the priest’s fingers come in contact with the mouth and/or saliva of the communicant he must immediately sanitize his fingers before continuing with the next in line.

After Mass

  1. Bulletins and other materials should be available for pick-up.  Hospitality ministers should not pass them out.
  2. Gathering after Mass is to be discouraged.  No receptions or social gatherings (i.e. coffee/donuts) are to be held.
  3. Those in attendance must dispose of worship aids upon exiting and new aids should be available for the next Mass.
  4. Vessels must be washed/sanitized in the normal way along with the Lectionary/Book of the Gospels.
  5. Efforts must be made to sanitize and disinfect the used areas before the next Mass.

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